Chipmunk-js - a port of Chipmunk to JS
CoffeePhysics - lightweight physics engine written in CoffeeScript
Verlet-js - A simple Verlet physics engine written in javascript.
PhysicsJS - A modular, extendable, and easy-to-use physics engine for javascript
p2.js - 2d physics engine by the creator of cannon.js
Matter-js - a 2d rigid body physics engine for the web - Closure-Compiler based port of Box2D to JS - older port of Chipmunk to JS - port of Toxiclibs' VerletPhysics to JS
JigLibJS - port of JigLib to JS
ammo.js - port of Bullet to JS
bulletjs - port of parts of the Java library JBullet(
microphysics.js - simple 3D physics engine
Physijs - plugin for Three.js
Oimo.js Lightweight 3d physics engine
Goblin Physics - full physics engine specifically for JavaScript