bloomfilters — Several bloom filter implementations, and an implementation of the CONCISE bitmap.
Buckets — A complete, fully tested and documented data structure library written in pure JavaScript.
Data.js — Data Manipulation and Graph Persistence for Node.js and the Browser.
dict — Easy but safe string-keyed store
JayData — Cross-platform Javascript library and a set of practices to access and manipulate data from various online and offline sources.
jaylist — kv-list inspired by Python.
jParser — Parsing binary files made easy and flexible. (Works in Node.js and browsers.)
js_cols — A complete, fully tested and documented data structure library written in pure JavaScript. Balanced Tree sets, maps, bags, double ended priority queue and Hash Maps taking arbitrary JS objects as keys.
Queue.js — Simple, efficient queue.
Prefixsearch.js — Trie-backed prefix search library.
reified — Recursively automagically convert binary data to JavaScript objects. StructType, ArrayType, BitfieldType, NumericTypes, PointerTypes, and Opaque types. Works anywhere ArrayBuffers do.
dsjs — Collection of search (ordered map) data structures and Tries in JavaScript
negative-array - Negative array index support using ES6 Proxy. var a=[1,2,3]; a[-1] //=> 3